Saturday, August 28, 2010


Hey everyone!

My family and I are taking a 2-day trip to the Dells starting tomorrow! We're so excited to get away and spend some family time together. I will return on Tuesday with another spectacular Patty creation. I love you all and thanks for following!!


Friday, August 27, 2010

Day FIVE: Layered Banana Pineapple Dessert

Today I thought I would give the old oven a much needed break. As you know, she has been working overtime lately. I also wanted to incorporate some much needed nutrition into today's recipe. Bananas, sugar, pineapple, whip cream, strawberries.... you know, all the necessities! haha

It was fun making something that didn't involve the temperature in my house to rise. And it looks so pretty! The recipe was easy, quick and didn't require me to learn new vocabulary either. I don't remember my grandma ever baking this one, but it was another handwritten recipe. Ahh, I love it :) It didn't call for the strawberries on top, but I figured it would look pretty and of course, taste good too. I took some to the Torke residence and I plan on sharing more tomorrow. It's a very refreshing dessert... I give it a B. But I didn't eat dinner, so the three bites I had of it were REALLY GOOD!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day FOUR: Carrot Cake

After yesterday's small glitch with my ingredients, I figured it was time for a trip to the grocery store. As I unpacked the groceries, I realized I forgot a key component in my recipe today. Where is my head lately?! So rather than make another trip, I switched days and did Grandma's carrot cake today.

It's been years since I've had it, but I always remembered it being moist and delicious. The recipe calls for 'grated' carrots. First of all, do I own a grater? Yes. Ok, so how am I going to grate baby carrots?? Jon laughed, "Why would you buy those for grating?" haha ...I didn't buy them, I knew we had them at home, so I thought "I'll figured it out"! Then I remembered our food processor. PERFECT! It 'grated' three cups of carrots in 10 seconds. NICE! As I skimmed through the recipe, I saw that it called for salad oil. What the heck is that?! And dates... ok, is that a vegetable or a fruit? THEN she tells me to grease a tube pan. What?! I don't remember eating carrot cake that was shaped like a tube! Grandma Val to the rescue...

Salad oil = vegetable oil
Dates are a fruit.
Tube pan = bundt pan

If anything, I'm actually learning something on my journey. I LOOOOVE my grandma's old vocabulary. I would never have known any of those terms if it weren't for these recipes. Who knows, I might need that info somewhere down the line. In fact, I find myself sounding more and more like her with age in her silly sayings or phrases. I love her :)

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting was a hit! I was fortunate enough to 'deliver' a little piece of Grandma to a few people today. Blessing my friends with Grandma's food means so much to me. I want to live and breath her through these recipes. I just wish she were here when I have questions about them. I know she would've got a kick out of me thinking I would actually bake the bread in a tube. Jon's not a fan of carrot cake, but I give it an A!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day THREE: Peanut Butter Cookies?

I learned a few things today as I was baking...

1. Have ALL of the ingredients on hand.
2. If you're going to substitute an ingredient, know what you're doing!
3. Read the recipe CORRECTLY!!

I came across Grandma's peanut butter cookie recipe. As I skimmed through the ingredients, I noticed I didn't have lard. What can substitute for lard? Crisco? Well I didn't have any of that. Butter? I only had one stick left and it was already being used in the recipe. Oh boy, I really wanted to make this work! So I decided to add 1/4 cup applesauce. A lot of people do that in place of butter because it's healthier. I did it out of desperation. After I mixed the first few ingredients, I realized that I was short on peanut butter too. After scraping every lick of peanut butter out of the container, I was still short. Man, I was definitely not on top of my game tonight.

Kim and Joe stopped over for a bit and I put her to work. I know, I'm a horrible friend, but I was desperate. She said my batter was stickier than normal. Probably because it was too warm. She helped me roll the dough into balls and dip them in sugar... boy, was she a lifesaver! I'd still be baking those things if it weren't for her help!

4.5 dozen cookies later... the taste test.

Kim: They're good, but they don't taste much like peanut butter.
Mo: I never told you, but I was short on peanut butter.
(We all had a good laugh.)

Joe said he liked them, but his opinion doesn't count. He'll eat anything! Jon gave them a B+ but said they might have been an A- if he were really hungry. He's so funny. I thought they were pretty good. They didn't taste like Grandma's, but they were close! :)

Day TWO: Crumb Cake

I LOVE paging through my grandma's recipes. Some of her books have tabs marking her favorites, others have little notes by them. "Great!" or "Try this!" There are also loose recipes in between. It was a little overwhelming, but as I saw her handwriting and read her little notes, it was as if she never left...

I knew I wouldn't have a ton of time to bake something today, so as I thumbed through her recipes I found something that looked easy. Crumb Cake. This time, it was a newspaper clipping that she cut out and taped to her lined notebook (she's adorable). It looked pretty easy and I knew I had the ingredients on hand, so I baked it and took it to work with me.

It was a typical crumb/coffee cake. A little plain with cinnamon crumbles on top. Not bad, but not the most SPECTACULAR dish I've ever baked. They liked it, but the girls told me to stop bringing desserts or I'll make them fat. haha! Sorry ladies, it's only day TWO! I stopped at Sarahbeth's so she could have a slice. No complaints there. Jon gave it a solid B. Fair score.

I'm excited to keep going!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day ONE: Banana Bread

I thought I'd bake my very favorite of my grandma's recipes on the first day of this journey. Banana bread. It is HANDS DOWN the best banana bread I have ever had. It's moist, tasty and is deliciously fattening. That's what I call PERFECTION! I decided to double the recipe because I had a ton of rotten bananas to utilize... and wah lah! A bundt pan and loaf pan later, was the familiar look and smell of grandma's delicious bread. Well the smell was right on, as was the taste... but the look was only familiar to me. A tad dark on the outside edges. This was never the case for Grandma's bread so why does this happen to me? I actually Googled my problem and it says to use lighter colored bakeware or adjust the temp throughout the allotted baking time. Neither of which I tried. Like I said, the taste is spot on, it's just a little dark on the outside.

Day one: complete. I'm excited to take this journey and I'm up for the challenge! It's going to be fun going down memory lane through my grandma's cookbooks, but also very emotional. My head is already pounding today and crying only intensified it. It's hard missing her and I hope that a little bit of healing will come with this challenge...

Here we go... enjoy the ride! :)